We will have a Lenten Penance Service at St. Paschal on March 11th at 6:00 pm.
Classes for 1st Communion starts Sunday, March 10th at 1:00 PM in the school.
We are so grateful to all who helped with the pew cleaning project! Thank you for helping make our Church look beautiful.
If you would like a message put in the bulletin, please be sure to submit your requests 2 weeks prior to the bulletin in which you would like it to be published.
After Mass on Holy Thursday, March 28th, we will have Adoration from 7 PM to Midnight in the St. Francis Room at our Altar of Repose. Please sign-up on the sheet at the entrances for as many hours as you can stay.
This year's men's retreat will be held on April 5th & 6th. Registration is $25 per person for all men age 18 or older. All meals will be provided. Please see the bulletin for more details.
Please see the bulletin for more announcements and information.