Thank you to all who donated their time, talent, and treasure to the Vacation Bible School Program this past week! We could not have made it without you!
St. Paschal Youth continues to hold a Baby Bottle Boomerang drive for Life Choices Pregnancy Center! Please take a baby bottle from the Narthex and fill it with money - you can include bills or even checks, not just coins - and return by Father’s Day! S.P.Y. is also collecting toiletries for both babies and mamas to deliver to Life Choices. Please drop off your donations to the Church Office. Thank you for supporting this project!
The Knights of Columbus are collecting new Box Fans for those in need during this hot summer! Fans can be dropped off at St. Paschal Church Office until the end of August. St. Vincent de Paul will distribute these fans to people who do not have cooling in their homes. Your kindness is appreciated. See the Bulletin Board for more details!
The Salvation Army needs your help collecting clothes and furniture for the needy in our community! You can drop off your donations at their office.
Teen Camp registration is open! The girls’ “Beloved” camp will be July 11th - 14th and the boys’ “Mission Possible” camp will be July 14th - 17th. Both camps will take place at King’s Camp in Mer Rouge, Louisiana. See the Bulletin Board for more details!
Fr. Mike will be going for his annual vacation beginning June 18th. Keep his travels in your prayers!
The 2nd collection for next weekend is for the St. Paschal Building Fund.
Please see the bulletin for more announcements and information.