The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Pancake Breakfast & Blood Drive this Sunday,June 30th!See the Bulletin Board for more details!
Join us for a party to welcome Fr. Calistus to St. Paschal Parish this Sunday, June 30th after the Spanish Mass - around 5:30 pm - in the gym. Please bring a covered dish!
Baptism Preparation Classes will be held on July 10th @ 6:00 PM in the school building. Please call the Church Office if you are interested or if you need more information.
If you have requested the company that you work for to match your donation or if you are donating to St. Paschal through your company, please let Amelia Grace Jordan in the office know this information. We want to make sure you receive credit on your tax deduction letters.
We are updating our Telephone Directory and need your help. Beginning on July 9th, a parishioner will be contacting you by telephone to review and update your contact information. It will take less than three minutes per call. We want to make sure we have your correct address, telephone number, email, and birthday for each member in your home. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this project.
The Diocese of Shreveport is offering two amazing faith-filled camps coming up next month at King's Camp in Mer Rouge - and it's not too late to register! The Beloved Camp for teen girls is July 11-14 and the Mission Possible Camp for teen boys is July 14-17.The Registration deadline is Monday, July 1.
The 2nd collection for next weekend is for St. Paschal Building Repairs.
Please see the bulletin for more announcements and information.