The local March for Life is tomorrow (5:30 Mass) /today (Sunday Masses) beginning at First West’s Purple Lot at 2:00 pm.
We will not have Reconciliation or Holy Mass on Saturday, January 27th due to the Mardi Gras Parade.
St. Paschal Youth King Cake tickets will be available at both entrances after Mass today. They are $25 each.
Althea Burkett Dayton, will turn 95 on January 23. In November, she fell and broke her hip and has since been rehabilitating. We would like to encourage her friends to send her birthday cards to cheer her up and celebrate her birthday. Anyone who could take time to send her a birthday card to help her celebrate turning 95 years old can send a card to her daughter, Dianna Dayton-Ganley at 2505 North 10th Street, West Monroe 71291, and she will deliver it to Mrs. Dayton to bring her cheer on this special birthday.
Survey cards for our Lenten Small Groups are available in every pew. Please pick one up and return by January 28th.
Please see the bulletin for more announcements and information.