Our regular Wednesday schedule of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Solemn Benediction, and Holy Mass is canceled for this week. Instead, join us for Confirmation Mass with Bishop Malone at 6:00 pm this Wednesday, April 17th.
Attention Graduating Seniors! The deadline for registering for Senior Mass is this weekend! Please contact our Youth Minister, Brandy Sadler to register!
Registration for Vacation Bible School is open! See the bulletin and the website for more details or contact our Director of Religious Education, Swapna John.
Please Join us for St. Paschal’s Catholic Cemetery Spring Clean Up Days sponsored by the Knights of Columbus beginning next Saturday,April 20th, and continuing the next two Saturdays, April 27th and May 4th, at 9:00 am! Join us in honoring our beloved departed.
Please see the bulletin for more announcements and information.